With over 25,000 unique titles, Booksource is the leading provider of books for classroom libraries, and is designed to support classroom teachers, school administrators, and district officials. Booksource, a renowned provider of classroom libraries and educational materials, has been instrumental in assisting over 3,000 school districts across the United States.
Two things teachers never have enough of are time and money. To help with both Booksource compiles texts for your needs at any level or category, and includes the latest and greatest Hi/Lo books so each student will have multiple options for engagement at a price point that will fit within any budget.
The Collection and Procurement team at Booksource are experts in the field of children's and young adult literature. They recognize the profound impact of captivating books in cultivating a love for reading among students. Driven by a shared passion for literacy and a strong commitment to simplifying the process of book acquisition for educators, they firmly believe that classroom libraries play a pivotal role in promoting active reading habits among students. By facilitating teachers in offering students access to high-quality books, a wide range of book choices that cater to individual interests, and appropriate reading levels, they ensure an engaging reading experience for every student.
Booksource is also proud to offer LibraryLens™ as a feature in Booksource Classroom. LibraryLens™ is a free, quick way to scan the books already in your building to assure diversity and equity of both characters and authors. This app allows each teacher an overview to look at all the titles within their classroom library or resource room through this lens, and charts where their titles are robust and lacking in terms of diversity, with a normal goal of about 5% per category.
Booksource remains committed to realizing a world where every child embraces the joy of reading. With unwavering dedication, the team at Booksource works tirelessly each day to transform this vision into a tangible reality.